Tag: Malware

Microsoft Surface RT Tablet
Until recently when we thought of computing devices, we usually thought of PCs and laptops. Today, with tablets and smart phones selling in the millions on opening weekend, we have a very different picture of what a computing device is.
If you’re not familiar with it, BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is the idea of using a consumer computing device (such as an iPad or Surface RT tablet) to get work done, either in the office, at home, or on the road. Most of these devices were not designed to “get work done”, but instead to consume content (ex: checking email, reading news websites/apps, etc.). These devices are not managed, and may not have even the most basic security features enabled. This can spell disaster for any corporate network. Continue reading
Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/11/cloud-computing/bring-your-own-device-byod-is-byod-bad-for-your-company/
We have become so dependent on this electronic world we have built. With such critical information as medical records and banking, it is imperative that we protect ourselves from the many cyber threats lurking at every turn.
Common variants of these cyber threats are pop-ups and fake security applications (ie. fake anti-virus, fake anti-spyware, and fake anti-malware). The best way to stop these threats is to prevent them from ever taking hold of your system in the first place. Continue reading
Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/10/it-security/preventing-pop-ups-and-fake-security/
There are actually several ways to send email as another person, making it look like they actually sent the email. Most of these methods don’t actually require access to the users Email mailbox. This is what we refer to as spoofing. If you’ve ever received an Email from yourself, then you know what I’m talking about. Continue reading
Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/07/it-security/people-keep-getting-spam-emails-from-my-email-address-what-do-you-suggest/
Computer speed and performance can be greatly decreased due to many factors. Normal, everyday use can slow down a computer over time. The following tips will speed up a slow system or streamline a brand new computer.
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/06/windows/windows-7/5-ways-to-increase-your-computers-speedperformance/
Add-ons installed in a web browser can provide lots of helpful functionality. Some add-ons help block pop-ups, while others give us the weather the current weather forecast. One thing they all have in common, to varying degrees, is that they all slow down the web browser in which they are installed. Here is a quick guide on disabling add-ons in a few of the most common web browsers.
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/05/windows/disabling-add-ons-in-common-web-browsers/
In my previous post (Preventing Spyware or Virus Infections) I explained how to help protect yourself from virus and spyware infections. If you still do contract a spyware or virus infection, there are a few things you can do to clean up your PC or laptop. Continue reading
Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/05/it-security/recovering-from-a-spyware-or-virus-infection/
The best way to fight malware or viruses is to prevent them from infecting your computer in the first place. You can help keep your computer protected by: Continue reading
Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/04/it-security/preventing-spyware-or-virus-infections/
Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE) is one of the unsung heroes of the Microsoft Exchange world.
If you’ve been running Microsoft Exchange for your organization, chances are you’ve heard of Forefront Protection for Exchange. This is a software which sits on servers in the datacenter and monitors all incoming and outgoing email to protect against spam and malware threats (among other threats). One of the biggest concerns I hear from administrators, when considering email protection, is not feeling comfortable enough with their security experience to be responsible for something so critical as Forefront Protection for Exchange.
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/03/it-security/what-is-fope-forefront-online-protection-for-exchange/