On many occasions I have had people ask me “Where can I learn about Microsoft’s product X”, or “Is there anywhere I can go to get free training”. Well, here is a list of just a few of the resources Microsoft provides to us all so we can get educated and try out many software titles before making an investment. Continue reading
Tag: Windows
Learning Tools & Resources from Microsoft
Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/04/learning-resources/learning-tools-resources-from-microsoft-2/
When is a computer too old? The Cloud may be changing how we think about this.
When is a computer too old? This question is getting harder and harder to answer. Traditional PC lifecycle thinking says that a PC is efficient to use up to 4 years old, and no longer cost effective to use beyond 5 years old. This is because the cost of maintaining the system is greater than the value of this old PC or laptop. Continue reading
Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/02/cloud-computing/when-is-a-computer-too-old-the-cloud-may-be-changing-how-we-think-about-this/
Video: Microsoft’s Updated SkyDrive will be Integrated into Windows 8
Microsoft has announced an update to their popular cloud storage system SkyDrive (part of the Microsoft Live.com family of free cloud services). With this update SkyDrive will essentially be part of the Windows 8 metro style interface. There will also be integration to allow access to your SkyDrive from the Windows Explorer window in Windows 8. This will make it as easy to access your SkyDrive as is your My Documents folder. Continue reading
Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/02/cloud-computing/video-microsofts-updated-skydrive-will-be-integrated-into-windows-8/
Closing a Crashed or Hung Application using the Windows Task Manager

Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/02/windows/windows-7/closing-a-crashed-or-hung-application-with-windows-task-manager/
How to Combat the Feared Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)
Sometimes called the Windows Bluescreen, the Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) can really be quite scary. If you are getting a BSOD as soon as Windows loads, or just after you login, then there may be a startup program or service that is causing the problem. This is an issue that haunts us all from time to time. Hopefully after reading this, it will be a little less scary. This post will show you a few methods for combatting a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). This process will work with either Windows XP, Windows Vista, or in Windows 7.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.robertborges.us/2012/02/windows/how-to-combat-the-feared-blue-screen-of-death-bsod/